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2019/2020 School Year
29th Jun 2020
Mrs Farrell has put together a wonderful video of her class of 2020 with some messages...
26th Jun 2020
Congratulations to the following children who hit the various targets and Millionaire...
1st Jun 2020
The P6/7 class have been working on a presentation via Google classroom, titled...
27th May 2020
Please see attached Letter from Collegelands O'Rahilly's GAC regarding the Final...
18th May 2020
The children have been working well on Mathletics achieving 48 Bronze Certificates...
15th May 2020
Attached is a video for the Primary 4 children who should have been celebrating...
15th May 2020
Please see the attached letter from the Minister of Education Peter Weir, regarding...
7th May 2020
I hope this email finds you well during these challenging times of lockdown. Young...
4th May 2020
Hi everyone, please see attached booklet and flyer from Healthy kidz as they are...
4th May 2020
Good morning, Welcome to our Sentinus Challenges! We hope you are as excited as...
90 Collegelands Rd, Charlemont, County Armagh, BT71 6SW | T: 028 8778 4620