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Moy Park Challenge for P5-P7 Pupils
I hope this email finds you well during these challenging times of lockdown. Young Enterprise NI, in partnership with Moy Park Ltd is delighted to announce an exciting online venture for all pupils from the age of 8 to 12 years old to complete at home as part of work set by yourselves.
This venture, The Moy Park Challenge, is an online competition which will help pupils to develop skills such as creativity, thinking, problem solving, decision-making and using ICT as well as compete for the chance to win up to £50 as a prize! (see attached flyer).
Here’s what the pupil has to do:
They are set with the task of being a new Project Manager at Moy Park Ltd and their first job is to come up with a new and exciting chicken product or meal idea that will encourage people in Northern Ireland to eat more chicken! - as we all need to think about eating healthily and chicken is one of the best sources of protein.
Create a colourful and detailed ‘A4 poster’ advertising their chicken product ensuring their include a logo & slogan
Tell us about their idea and how they would encourage more people to eat chicken EITHER in a word document of no more than 200 words OR by a short video clip of no more than 60 seconds.
So if you think your pupils would be up for the Moy Park Challenge you can find out more at www.yeni.co.uk/moyparkchallenge
The top 3 ideas will win up to £50 of vouchers and their creation will be shared across all our Social Media channels!
All entries to be submitted and emailed to Cathy Morrison by 22nd May 2020. Winners will be announced online on 29th May 2020.
We look forward to getting some entries from you pupils.
Yours sincerely
Cathy Morrison
Senior Development Manager | Young Enterprise NI
Phone: 028 3801 3113 Mobile: 078 6659 5337
Working Hours: Monday-Friday 9.15-2.30pm (Tuesdays 9.15-5pm)
90 Collegelands Rd, Charlemont, County Armagh, BT71 6SW | T: 028 8778 4620