Welcome to our school website!
We hope that it provides you with a flavour of the ethos and nature of the work at St Peter’s, as well as giving relevant information for our pupils, parents and wider school community.
Through our website we hope that you manage to capture a little bit of the ethos that fills our school building and that reflects our school vision, “Learning is Fun …Together as One”.
At St Peter’s every child is welcomed and valued as a unique member of our school community. We work together to ensure that our children reach their individual potential. We are proud of the caring and family atmosphere that exists in and around our school every day.
We deliver a broad and balanced curriculum enriched with visitors, trips, seasonal events and fun filled activities. It is our intention to inspire, in each child, a joy for learning, whilst maintaining high expectations in standards, behaviour and achievements.
As a Catholic School our ethos permeates everything we do and say. We work closely with our Parish Community, we are inclusive of everyone and we welcome pupils, staff and visitors from all cultures and traditions. Our ethos promotes the core Christian values of love, honesty, generosity, justice and integrity.
Our Mission Statement, “Learning is Fun, Together as One” was created in 2012 in collaboration with our families. This active partnership between home and school is important to us and we value support from parents in all aspects of school life.
If you are considering sending your child to our school, I hope this visit to our website will help with your decision. However, there can be no substitute for a personal visit and you are warmly invited to make an appointment to call in and see the provision we have to offer.
Best Wishes,
Mrs Brenda Farrell
Mission Statement
We, the Governors and staff of St Peter’s Primary School believe the school to be a vital part of the Catholic Community. We are firmly committed to:
- The aims of Catholic Education
- Providing effective education for all our children
- Developing positive effective pastoral care systems in our school
- Establishing close links with the home, the parish and the wider community
St Peter’s PS seeks to establish an educational community, centred on Christ, so that His values and gospel message pervade the whole life of the school.
School Vision
Through our agreed vision, “Learning is Fun … Together As One…” we aim to ensure that our aims are realised.
Our school vision is a central theme that is reflected throughout everything that makes our school. This includes relationships, curricular, extra-curricular, policy and practice.
“Learning is Fun … Together As One…” means exactly that.
We have a common goal, in that, as staff, parents, pupils and wider community, we are all working together to provide the best learning experiences, in the most enjoyable way.
Parents, pupils, teachers, non-teaching staff, governors and wider community members, all have a voice and everyone will be listened to.
School Aims
By working together in St Peter’s Primary School we aim:
- to reflect the religious ethos of our community and to foster the moral, spiritual and religious growth of our pupils, based on the teachings of the Catholic Church
- to provide a broad and balanced curricular programme, based on the Northern Ireland Common Curriculum, which gives all pupils the opportunity to develop academically, socially, emotionally, physically and practically to the best of each individual’s potential
- to equip pupils with the knowledge, skills and concepts that are the tools of learning
- to provide opportunities for pupils to develop their skills of empathy, teamwork, creativity and leadership
- to provide opportunities for pupils to grow in self-confidence and independence so that they become responsible, caring and contributing members of their community
- to foster an environment in which this learning and development may take place
- to encourage high standards of discipline, behaviour and respect among pupils towards all adults
- to develop appreciation of the pupils’ own culture and respect for the values of others
- to encourage partnership and mutual support between home and school
- to create an atmosphere in which Primary Education is not seen solely as preparation for Secondary School, but rather that pupils will also enjoy Primary School as a rich and rewarding time in their lives
- to foster effective liaison with all schools, particularly those within our learning community
School Profile
St. Peter's Primary School is situated on the Collegelands Road in the Parish of Loughgall, Co Armagh. It is located opposite St. Peter's Church and approximately 1/4 a mile from Collegeland O'Rahilly's GAA Club.
The school was opened in 1957 and has increased in size over the years. Our current enrolment is 135 children.
We are a thriving school offering the children of our community a wide range of high quality learning experiences as was highlighted in our last ETI Inspection.
Click on the link below to view our full report.
Upcoming Events
Monday, 31st March 2025 |
P5/6 Swimming |
Tuesday, 1st April 2025 |
Choir Afterschool (2:50pm - 3:50pm) |
Wednesday, 2nd April 2025 |
Multisports Afterschool (2-3pm & 3-4pm) |
Thursday, 3rd April 2025 |
GAA Fundamental Skills (P1-P7) |
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90 Collegelands Rd, Charlemont, County Armagh, BT71 6SW | T: 028 8778 4620