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St Peter's Collegeland

Amazing St. Patricks Story

13th Mar 2015
Amazing St. Patricks Story

St. Patrick’s Day

 Hi, my name is Patrick. Where I was born is a mystery. Some say Scotland and some say Wales. My story starts as a child. It was a normal day, until I heard a voice, “Come follow me.” So that’s what I did.  Then I saw a ship filled with raiders. I was petrified. My body was shaking with fear. They tied me up and took me to Ireland.  Back then Ireland was a country of violence and fighting. The raider sold me as a slave to someone called Milchu. He made me look after his pigs and sheep. I was sad, hungry and lonely for seven years. I once heard a voice in a dream to come home. At that very moment I woke up. Then I saw a boat. I ran as fast as I could over to it. Whenever I got aboard I hid underneath a sack. Now I was really scared because I knew I would get hurt or worse. When I got back home my parents were happier than ever to see me. Then I heard the voice again. It told me to go back so that’s what I did.  When I got there I heard the voice again it said, “Tell them about God.” So that’s what I did. I travelled far and wide and told them about God. So every year on the seventeenth of March we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day all over the world.

Jack Brannigan P3      

11th March 2015